
Run with Docker Compose

You can run out-of-the-box applications with Docker Compose. The Docker Compose YAML files for the applications are inside the docker (opens in a new tab) folder in GitHub repository.

  • Please clone the repository (opens in a new tab) to access the Docker Compose files.
  • Verify compose yaml file are pointing to the correct application image version.


  • Docker

Environment Files

The minimum required environment variables are stored in two environment files: env and env-aggr.

  • The env file is a common environment file for all applications. You can set the shared environment variables in this file.
  • The env-aggr file is specific to the Aggregation application. You can set the Aggregation app specific environment variables in this file.

Please configure Cardano Host, Port, and Protocol magic in the env file.

Docker Compose Files

In the following sections, we will use *-monolith.yml files. These files help to run both Postgres and the application through a single Docker Compose file. If you want to run the application with an external database, you can use application-specific Docker Compose files, such as yaci-store-all.yml, yaci-store-utxo-indexer.yml, or yaci-store-aggregation.yml.

Additional environment properties:

Check the (opens in a new tab) file for additional optional environment properties.

Run Yaci Store ALL application

This application includes all stores.

By default, the submit endpoint is disabled. You can refer to the Enable Submit Endpoint section for instructions on how to enable it.

One of the advantages of Yaci Store is that you can decide what data to store. If you want to disable any specific store or its API endpoints, you have that flexibility.

  • To disable a specific store, you can set the STORE_<STORE_NAME>_ENABLED environment variable to false.
  • To disable a specific store's API endpoints, you can set the STORE_<STORE_NAME>_API_ENABLED environment variable to false.

Note: It also includes the account aggregation module, but it is disabled by default. Instead of enabling this module, it's recommended to run the aggregation-app separately for calculating account balances.

docker compose -f yaci-store-all-monolith.yml up -d

You can access swagger-ui at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html (opens in a new tab)

Run Utxo Indexer application

The Utxo Indexer application consists of the utxo store, epoch store, and submit component.

By default, the submit endpoint is disabled. You can refer to the Enable Submit Endpoint section for instructions on how to enable it.

docker compose -f yaci-store-utxo-indexer-monolith.yml up -d

Run Aggregation App to calculate account balances

Aggregation App is a separate application that calculates account balances by aggregating the UTXO store data.

docker compose -f yaci-store-aggregation-monolith.yml up -d

Enable Submit Endpoint

Both the yaci-store-all and yaci-store-utxo-indexer applications provide submit and script cost evaluation endpoints. However, these endpoints are disabled by default.

  • To enable the submit endpoint, you need to configure the STORE_CARDANO_SUBMIT_API_URL endpoint in the env file.
  • To enable both the submit and script cost evaluation endpoints, you need to set the STORE_CARDANO_OGMIOS_URL in the env file.